Hi, this is definitely not ur wanetd imposter cuz i could log in. lol. its cassandra lar. i wanna tell all bondians to be wary of this wu2 liao2 mei2 shi4 zuo4 de4 imposter and someone called bot lar. well, their crimes? hahax, post messages using bondians' names/nicks. whi is this serious? that fellow ask for username n password. of course, he wanan hack our blog lar. luckily, nobody gave away the info.
so everyone, if anyone ask u for personal/class info, tell him/her to varify that he/she is a bondian by calling u. every bondian haf class contact list. if that fellow say throw away/lost/didnt bring/etc. the contact list, tell that fellow to send email to u..(u can see if email matches that of bondians wad). right? so gd luck!