We love to crap!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hello world~
Since I'm a very efficient person,
I've uploaded the TWO PICTURES we took on Sunday after that eventful dinner.
Teachers always want us to do reflections for outings right?
So I'll be a very good student and do one for Sunday too.
After the outing,
I conclude tt Sean is a desperado for various reasons.
He occasionally emos too.
And Darick can sing rather well.
At least better than the other guys.
Ahem ahem.
Daren must have a very high-pitch voice too,
because everytime he tried to reach the high notes,
we wont hear anything.
Which means his frequency is too high for our human ears.
and don't be confused by Vanessa's supposedly-humane appearance.
She is actually a camel.
A camel who likes to deplete other ppl's fruit punch, to be exact.
she visits the toilet very often too.
How un-camel-like.
So to date,
scientists havent confirmed which species she belongs to.
The sanest ppl at the outing are,
most probably,
Suqin and Sheryl.
If you want to speed up global warming,
or you are very stingy and happen to be obliged to treat Suqin and Sheryl to dinner,
feel free to buy basketfuls of veggies for them.
I'm sure they wont mind,
since they only fed on green, plant-like things which happen to have leaves for dinner.
enough crap.
here're the pics.

Please admire Fawn's photography skills and of course,
be awed by my sexy camera's um, clarity?
Actually, the pics arent very clear.
I have a strange feeling its because of dirty lens.
iies lurbbs euuus,
P.S. Today's CNY celebrations were boring, no?
They screamed and jumped and hopped and leaped and.... at 6:33 PM
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Hey Bondians.
I miss you all.
(psst, I think my class sucks a lot.)
let's all turn up for class outing!
Yes, Liwen, kiss my feet and worship me!
I'm 'advertising' for you.
But then again, who actually visits this blog to read its updates?
class outing will be on,
10 FEB 2008 (you can still turn up in 2009, I guess)
1.30pm at Cityhall Mrt (For ppl going Kbox & steamboat)
5.30pm at Cityhall Mrt (For ppl going for steamboat only)
Bring at least $15 for dinner because we are all financially insecure ppl.
Nobody will pay for you if you dont bring your own money.
And there's no more class fund to deplete now.
Everyone, pls goooo!
I'm sure we all want to witness Liwen reach the natural frequency of glass in KBOX.
And all the unfortunate incidents tt will result from her pitch.
Happy CNY!!!
They screamed and jumped and hopped and leaped and.... at 11:05 AM